Quiz Creation Request

Paste the hyperlink of either the course, lesson, or topic that you want the quiz attached to
Please enter a number greater than or equal to 0.
Please enter a number from 0 to 100.
What percentage do you consider passing between 0-100%. If you don’t want a passing % and just want the user to move on after completing the quiz, put “0”


Course/Lesson/Topic Name That the Quiz is Attached To: Project Management Software

Direct Link to Course/Lesson/Topic: http://www.fakeprojectmanagementsoftwarelesson.com

# of desired points for each correct answer: 1

Passing %: 80%

Quiz Question # 1: What’s the first thing you do when you log into our tracking sheet?

  • Nothing
  • Something
  • Everything
  • Click on “Account” – correct

Quiz Question # 2: What’s the second thing you do when you log into our tracking sheet?

  • Nothing
  • Something – correct
  • Everything
  • Click on “Account”

Quiz Question # 3: What’s the third thing you do when you log into our tracking sheet?

  • Nothing – correct
  • Something
  • Everything
  • Click on “Account”

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