Employee Category Definitions

At [COMPANY NAME], all employees are classified as either non-exempt or exempt under state and federal wage and hour laws. It is important for employees to understand their employment classification and benefit eligibility, as these classifications do not guarantee employment for any specific period of time. Both the employee and [COMPANY NAME] retain the right to terminate the employment-at-will relationship at any time.

Non-exempt employees are entitled to overtime pay under the specific provisions of federal and state laws, while exempt employees are excluded from specific provisions of federal and state wage and hour laws. An employee’s exempt or non-exempt classification can only be changed upon written notification by [COMPANY NAME] management based on the guidelines of the Fair Labor Standards Act.

In addition to these classifications, each employee belongs to one of the following employment categories:

  • Regular Full-Time: These employees are not in temporary or probationary status and work the organization’s full-time schedule of 30 hours or more per week.
  • Regular Part-Time: These employees are hired for an indefinite period but work less than a normal workweek, typically scheduled for 30 hours or less per week. This includes employees who work irregular hours, regularly scheduled hours every workday, or full workdays but less than 5 days per week.
  • Short-Term Employee: These employees are hired for a specific short-term project, or on a short-term freelance, per diem, or temporary basis, with limited duration. Short-term employees are not eligible for company benefits.

At [COMPANY NAME], we are committed to providing our employees with clear and transparent information about their employment status and benefits eligibility. If you have any questions or concerns about your employment classification or benefits, please contact Human Resources for assistance.

Please note that this template is provided for guidance purposes only and is not intended to serve as a legally binding document. All materials, including forms and documents, that are available on our website are provided without any express or implied warranty, including as to their legal effect or completeness. It is recommended that you use this information as a starting point and tailor it to meet your individual needs and comply with the laws of your state. Your use of any information or forms on our site is entirely at your own risk. Neither Performance Platform nor any of its employees, contractors, or attorneys who contributed to the information provided make any warranty or representation, and they do not establish or create an attorney-client relationship by providing information to you. Please be aware that this information may not consider all relevant local or national laws, and it is advisable to seek legal advice before using this template.

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