Employee Code of Conduct Policy

Employee Code of Conduct Policy

Dress Code:
Employees are expected to present themselves in a professional manner while at work. This includes maintaining a well-groomed appearance and wearing appropriate attire. Employees should avoid wearing clothing that is revealing or that could be seen as offensive to others.

Cyber Security and Digital Devices:
Employees are responsible for maintaining the security of the company’s digital assets, including computers, laptops, and smartphones. Employees should not share their passwords with others, and should always log off their devices when they are not in use. Employees should also avoid accessing or storing sensitive company information on personal devices or personal email accounts.

Internet Usage:
Employees are expected to use the internet for work-related purposes only. This includes using corporate email and social media accounts for business purposes only. Employees should not use the internet for personal activities during working hours, and should not visit websites that contain inappropriate or offensive content.

Conflict of Interest:
Employees are expected to avoid any conflicts of interest between their personal interests and the interests of the company. This includes not engaging in any outside business activities that could compete with the company, or using company resources for personal gain.

Employee Relationships:
Employees are expected to maintain professional relationships with their colleagues. This includes not engaging in romantic or sexual relationships with other employees, and avoiding any behaviors that could be seen as harassing or discriminatory. Employees are also prohibited from employing or supervising relatives in the workplace.

Workplace Visitors:
Employees are responsible for ensuring that visitors to the workplace are appropriate and follow company policies. Employees should not allow unauthorized visitors to access company premises, and should notify management if they become aware of any potential security concerns.

Solicitation and Distribution:
Employees are prohibited from engaging in any activities related to solicitation or distribution on company premises, unless they have been specifically authorized to do so. This includes distributing literature, selling goods, or collecting donations.

Overall, employees are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times, and to adhere to this code of conduct in order to maintain a positive and productive workplace environment.

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