Employee Resignation & Termination Policy

As an employee at our company, you are expected to uphold our standards of conduct and performance. We value your contributions to our team and want to support your professional growth, but we also need to ensure that our workplace remains fair and productive for everyone. With that in mind, we have developed the following policies to address resignation and termination.

Progressive Discipline:

If your performance or conduct falls below our expectations, we will follow a progressive discipline process to help you improve. This may include verbal warnings, written warnings, and, in severe cases, suspension or termination. We believe in giving you the opportunity to correct your behavior and improve your performance before taking more serious action.


If you decide to resign from your position, we will support you during the transition. If you have been with the company for at least one year, you may be eligible for tuition or relocation reimbursement, depending on your role and the circumstances of your resignation. Please speak with your manager for more information.

Forced Resignation:

In some cases, we may require you to resign from your position. This may be due to performance issues that cannot be addressed through progressive discipline, or for other reasons at the company’s discretion. If you are asked to resign, you will be given a severance package based on your tenure and role, as well as support to transition to a new job.


If your employment with the company is terminated, it will be for cause. This means that your conduct or performance has not met our expectations, and we have exhausted all other options to address the issue. If you are terminated, you will not be eligible for any severance or other benefits.


If you are terminated from the company, we will not provide negative references to prospective employers. However, we may provide factual information about your job title, dates of employment, and responsibilities. If you have any questions about how your termination will affect your references, please speak with your manager.

We understand that these policies may be difficult to understand or accept. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to speak with your manager or HR representative. We value your contributions to the company and want to support you during this difficult time.

Please note that this template is provided for guidance purposes only and is not intended to serve as a legally binding document. All materials, including forms and documents, that are available on our website are provided without any express or implied warranty, including as to their legal effect or completeness. It is recommended that you use this information as a starting point and tailor it to meet your individual needs and comply with the laws of your state. Your use of any information or forms on our site is entirely at your own risk. Neither Performance Platform nor any of its employees, contractors, or attorneys who contributed to the information provided make any warranty or representation, and they do not establish or create an attorney-client relationship by providing information to you. Please be aware that this information may not consider all relevant local or national laws, and it is advisable to seek legal advice before using this template.

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