Inclement Weather & Emergency Closing

At [company], we care about the safety and well-being of our employees. In the event of inclement weather or other emergency situations that may impact the ability of our employees to safely travel to or from work, we have developed the following policy.

  1. Inclement Weather: If inclement weather, such as snow, ice, or severe storms, makes it unsafe for employees to travel to or from work, we may decide to close the office. This decision will be made by the company’s management team, in consultation with local authorities, and will be based on the safety of our employees and the ability to provide essential services.
  1. Emergency Closings: In the event of other emergency situations, such as power outages or natural disasters, we may also decide to close the office. This decision will be made by the company’s management team, in consultation with local authorities, and will be based on the safety of our employees and the ability to provide essential services.
  1. Notification: If the office is closed due to inclement weather or an emergency, we will notify employees as soon as possible. We will use a variety of methods to get the word out, including email, text message, and social media. We will also post updates on the company website and hotline.
  1. Pay: If the office is closed due to inclement weather or an emergency, employees will still be paid for their regularly scheduled hours. If you are unable to work from home, you may use paid time off or unpaid time off, depending on your individual situation.

We understand that inclement weather and emergency situations can be unpredictable and disruptive. We will do our best to make decisions that prioritize the safety and well-being of our employees, while also ensuring that we are able to provide essential services. If you have any questions or concerns about this policy, please speak with your manager.

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