New Hire Checklist

  • Verify that the new hire has completed all necessary paperwork, such as the job application, employment contract, and tax forms
  • Set up a new employee file with all relevant documents and information
  • Provide the new hire with a copy of the company’s policies and procedures, including the code of conduct, dress code, and vacation policy
  • Arrange for the new hire to meet with HR and/or their manager to discuss their role, responsibilities, and expectations
  • Provide the new hire with a detailed orientation to the company, including a tour of the facilities, an introduction to their team and other employees, and an overview of the company’s history, culture, and values
  • Set up the new hire’s workspace, including a computer, phone, and any necessary equipment or tools
  • Provide the new hire with access to the company’s systems and tools, such as the email and file sharing systems, the project management software, and the company website
  • Schedule initial training and onboarding sessions to help the new hire get up to speed on their role and the company’s operations
  • Assign a mentor or buddy to the new hire to provide ongoing support and guidance during their first few weeks on the job
  • Check in with the new hire regularly to provide feedback, answer questions, and offer support as needed.

Please note that this template is provided for guidance purposes only and is not intended to serve as a legally binding document. All materials, including forms and documents, that are available on our website are provided without any express or implied warranty, including as to their legal effect or completeness. It is recommended that you use this information as a starting point and tailor it to meet your individual needs and comply with the laws of your state. Your use of any information or forms on our site is entirely at your own risk. Neither Performance Platform nor any of its employees, contractors, or attorneys who contributed to the information provided make any warranty or representation, and they do not establish or create an attorney-client relationship by providing information to you. Please be aware that this information may not consider all relevant local or national laws, and it is advisable to seek legal advice before using this template.

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