Personal Leave of Absence Policy

At [company], we believe in supporting our employees and fostering a healthy work-life balance. As such, we offer personal leave to employees who may need time away from work for various reasons.

Our personal leave policy allows eligible employees to take time off for the following reasons:

  1. Personal illness or injury
  2. Caring for a sick family member
  3. Bereavement or attending a funeral
  4. Military service
  5. Voting in a local, state, or national election
  6. Jury duty

Eligible employees may take up to three days of paid personal leave per year. Additional leave may be granted on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the employee’s supervisor.

To request personal leave, employees must submit a written request to their supervisor at least two weeks in advance. The request should include the reason for the leave and the expected duration.

Supervisors will review and approve or deny leave requests in a timely manner. If a request is denied, the supervisor will provide the employee with a written explanation for the decision.

We encourage employees to use their personal leave responsibly and to communicate openly with their supervisors about their need for time away from work. We are committed to supporting our employees and helping them maintain a healthy work-life balance.

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