Hide Categories in SOP/DOC/Knowledge Base

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Step-By-Step Instructions #

  1. Access the Backend:
    • Navigate to the top left corner of your site.
    • Click on the icon to access the backend of the site.
    • Wait for the backend to load.
  2. Navigate to BetterDocs:
    • Look for the Docs or BetterDocs option.
    • Expand the arrow next to it.
    • Scroll down and find the Categories option.
    • Click on Categories.
  3. Choose Category:
    • In the Categories section, you can either add a new category or modify an existing one.
    • For this example, let’s modify an existing category. Click on the “Edit” option next to the category you want to hide (e.g., Courses).
  4. Access WP Fusion Access Settings:
    • Scroll down in the Edit Category view until you find “WP Fusion Access Settings.”
  5. Configure Access Settings:
    • There are three checkboxes. Check all three in the following order:
      1. Restrict all the archives and past pages.
      2. Restrict all the current posts.
      3. Hide the actual term of the category itself.
  6. Set Required Tags:
    • Look for the “Required Tags” section.
    • Enter a tag that will grant access to this category and its documentation for users. For example, use a tag like “Authorized” or any tag of your choice.
    • This means that users without this tag won’t have access to the hidden category and its documentation.
  7. Update Settings:
    • After configuring the settings, click on the “Update” button to save the changes.
  8. Apply Tag to Users:
    • Make sure to apply the tag you set (e.g., “Authorized”) to the users who should have access to the hidden category and its documentation.
    • This tag will act as a permission key.
  9. Verify the Frontend:
    • Visit the front page of the site and check if the category and its associated documentation are now hidden for users without the specified tag.

By following these steps, you can effectively hide categories and associated posts in BetterDocs, controlling access based on user tags.

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