How to Grade Essay Question Quizzes

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Step By Step Instructions #

  1. Create a quiz with an open answer essay question, and choose how the quiz submission will be graded: graded with full points awarded upon submission, graded with points awarded manually, or not graded with no points awarded upon submission.
  2. Set up a notification to be sent when the quiz is submitted. This notification can be customized to include details such as the specific course or lesson the quiz pertains to.
  3. When a user submits the quiz, an alert will be sent to the designated recipient(s) notifying them that the quiz has been completed.
  4. Log in to the back-end of the website and navigate to the LMS dashboard.
  5. Click on “Quizzes” and locate the quiz that was just submitted.
  6. Click on “Statistics” to view the quiz that was taken for this specific submission.
  7. To quickly locate submitted essay questions, click on “Submitted Essays” at the top of the quizzes page.
  8. Locate the essay question that was submitted and click to view it.
  9. Review the essay response and assign a point value.
  10. Click “Approve” to save the point value and mark the quiz as graded.
  11. Log back in as the user to view the graded quiz submission. The submission will now show as “completed” and display the point value awarded for the essay question.

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