How to Build a Quiz

Table of Contents

Instructions #

  1. Navigate to the left side-bar, use the drop down to expand the LMS tab, and click on Quizzes.
  2. Click on “Add New” to start building a new quiz.
  3. Type in a specific name for the Quiz that you can easily identify later.
  4. Click on “Save Draft“.
  5. Navigate the builder tab and click on “Builder“.
  6. Once in the builder page, click on “New Question“.
  7. Next, you will name the question. Once you have named the question, click on “Add Question“.
  8. Expand the question title section to begin to enter the question data.
  9. Click on the edit button to enter the actual quiz question.
  10. Enter the question for the quiz and click on “Save“.
  11. Click on the edit button to begin to enter the answers to the question.
  12. Add in the answer and then click on “Update Answer“.
  13. Click on “New Answer“, and then repeat the process until all desired answers are in place.
  14. Select the “correct” answer using the radio buttons.
  15. Using the Question Settings dropdown if you want to add in conditional data based on the response to the question.
  16. Repeat the question and answer input process until the quiz is built out to your satisfaction level. Once complete, click on “Save Draft“.
  17. Click on the “Settings” tab at the top if you want to adjust any of the quiz settings for this particular quiz.
  18. Once the quiz is built out and the settings are adjusted, you may click on “Publish“. You will then need to attach the published quiz to the learning.
  19. In the left side-bar, navigate to the LMS tab and click on “Courses“.
  20. Find your desired course and click on the “Builder” tab.
  21. Scroll down in the course content to find the quiz.
  22. Find the quiz and drag it to the course, lesson, or topic quiz section that you desire. Repeat this process until all desired quizzes are in the course.
  23. Once complete, click “Save Draft” if you still have more of your content to build. Or click “Publish” to Publish the course.

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