How to Adjust User Permissions

When a user is added to your platform, they are assigned the “Subscriber” role. Subscribers can view content and take courses assigned to them, but do not have the ability to create content or access the admin panel. Users can be assigned more than one role at a time.

  • Users can be assigned more than one role at a time.
  • If a user is assigned a role as an “Administrator” or “Group Leader”, you won’t see the “Subscriber” role listed in their profile because Administrators & Group Leaders already have all the same permissions as a Subscriber (plus additional ones).

User Roles #

  • Administrator – has full access to all the administration features within the platform.
  • Group Leader – can manage their profile and the Learning Group they are leading.
  • Subscriber – read-only, can only manage their profile.

Please watch the video below #

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