How to Add Video to the Platform

Video Instructions #

Step By Step Instructions #

Here are step-by-step instructions on how to get videos into the platform:

Option 1: Adding a video to a lesson #

  1. Go to the dashboard and access your LMS.
  2. Find the lesson you want to add a video to.
  3. Click “Edit”.
  4. In the lesson, click either the plus button on the top or the one on the side.
  5. If you want to add a Vimeo video, type “Vimeo” in the search bar and select it when it appears. If you want to add a YouTube video, type “YouTube” and select it. If you want to add a Loom video or another platform, type “embed press” and select it.
  6. Once you’ve selected the video platform, go to the platform website and hover over the video you want to add.
  7. Click “Copy link” and then “Copy video link”.
  8. Go back to the platform and paste the URL in the designated field.
  9. Click “Embed” to add the video to the platform.
  10. Click “Update” to save your changes.

Option 2: Adding a video to an SOP #

  1. Go to the dashboard and click on “Docs”.
  2. Click “All docs” to view all the available categories.
  3. Find the category where you want to build your SOP.
  4. Click the plus box to create a new SOP.
  5. Give it a title.
  6. Click the plus button to select the video platform (Vimeo, YouTube, embed press).
  7. Paste the URL of the video in the designated field.
  8. Click “Embed”.
  9. Click “Publish” to save the new SOP with the embedded video.

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