How to Build a Course

Table of Contents

Instructions #

  • Section
    1. To add a section, click on “New Section Heading”. 
    2. Enter the title of the desired section.
    3. After you enter your section title, click on “Add Section Heading”. 
    4. Your section heading will now appear in the builder.
  • Lesson
    1. To add a lesson, click on “New Lesson”.
    2. Enter the title of the Lesson.
    3. After you enter your lesson title, click on “Add Lesson”.
  • Topic
    1. To add a topic, navigate to the Lesson it’s associated with and click on the arrow to expand the Lesson.
    2. Click on “New Topic”.
    3. Enter the title of the Topic.
    4. After you enter your topic title, click on “Add Topic”.

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