SOP Template (5-Step Process)

Table of Contents

5-Step Process #

These are the basics that should be involved in a complete SOP

  1. Title
    • SOP Title
  2. Introduction
    • Purpose of the SOP (short paragraph)
  3. Video Overview
    • Video walkthrough of the process/document/etc…
  4. Step-by-Step Instructions
    • Use headings where applicable
      • Provide detailed, sequential instructions for each procedure
      • Include necessary actions, tasks, or operations
      • Specify any required equipment, tools, or materials
        • I.e. Link any technology, etc…
      • Include images where applicable
  5. Additional Resources
    • Include any supporting documents, flowcharts, or diagrams
      • Can be embedded and/or downloadable

Considerations #

In your video and walkthrough – consider the following items where applicable

  1. Responsibilities and Authorities
    • Identify roles and responsibilities of individuals involved
    • Define decision-making authority and escalation procedures
  2. Safety Considerations
    • Outline safety rules and regulations
    • Specify personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements
    • Include emergency procedures and precautions
  3. Quality Assurance
    • Define quality control measures
    • Specify quality standards and guidelines
    • Describe inspection and verification procedures
  4. Documentation and Recordkeeping
    • Describe recordkeeping requirements
    • Specify forms, templates, or checklists to be used
    • Outline data collection and reporting procedures
  5. Training and Competence
    • Identify training requirements for personnel
    • Describe competency assessment procedures
    • Outline training records maintenance
  6. Change Control
    • Define the process for revising the SOP
    • Describe the documentation of changes made
    • Specify the approval and implementation of revised SOP
    • I.e. “Disclaimer: to update this SOP please contact XYZ

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